Sunday, June 30, 2013

1st 24 hrs in Cuzco

Made! Not for the feint of heart, from the flight in - yes, everyone clapped when we landed safely - to the walking through town.  Just a leisurely stroll at 10,800 feet had us reaching for the Advil, matte tea w/ coco leaves, coco candy, water, and a bench seat.  And that was after requesting O2 to be pumped into our bedroom while we slept.  Not Greg, of course, but the rest of us ladies.  Besides feeling like we were walking through jello, I had alzheimers on steroids.  Not a fun feeling.  The good news is it only lasted 24 hours.  I can say after our 1000 foot climb today to the Sacsaywaman Inca ruins in town and back down the cobblestone streets at dusk and our pisco sours we have fully acclimated to the elevation.
Food is marvellous - haven't had cuy -guinea pig- yet but wonderful alpaca, lamb, ceviche, teriditos, chicken, stuffed peppers, tomales, and choclos - roasted or maybe steamed corn w/ kernels the size of nickles, plus wonderful sweet, sweet potatoes, and potatoes and delicious side sauces that add flavor and a kick.  While the girls were taking a rest Greg and I ventured to the Pisco Museum and Bar to learn about pisco and to taste.  A great way to while away an hour.  The girls have been enjoying the 'lemonades', from what I can tell are water mixed w/ strawberry or coconut or mint or other fruits or herbs of your choice, plus the Inka Cola which tastes like cream soda to me.  Easy to enjoy crunchy corn or other nuts, fried potatoes w/ salsas and tastes of cheeses, olives and choclos so far are a hit.
Tomorrow is our Sacred Valley tour...details and photos to follow.
Buenos Noches!

Friday, June 28, 2013

leaving today for Peru!

Girls are still matter when we start it seems there is more to do last minute.  Oh well.  Got up early w/ Greg to watch Wimbledon and help at the office.  Summer is slowing the girls' down and my barking orders as the clock ticks away isn't helping, but just one final day's push and we'll be on our way to S. America.  I just have to have faith that it will all pull together!  Cleaning out the kitchen and eating all the edible remnants.  Next post will be from abroad.  Happy summer!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

countdown to departure

Still packing...reading up on Peru, Ecuador and "Galloping Horses" - what my mom nicknamed the Gallapagos and we have adopted as well - although the only thing we will see galloping if lucky are llamas and underwater sea turtles. Consulting on CVS runs and of course cleaning out the closets and recipe files and magazines and.... - am I the only one who does that before a trip?  More packing...and we are only bringing one bag each!  We are all getting very excited now as our trip is upon us.  Olive has been sulking around the house having viewed our suitcases, Rach is squeezing in her friends before she says goodbye, and Bex is busy at The Art Shed and getting her cameras ready.  I am encouraging the kids to do an all-day intensive with Rosetta Stone Spanish before we go...fat chance, but who knows? Huffed and puffed on a run today w/ Bex and am wondering how we'll feel at altitude.  Will keep you posted!

Monday, June 24, 2013


We leave Friday night for Cusco, Peru.  The packing has begun.  Last minute shopping for winter and summer wear since we will be getting both seasons on this trip.  Temperatures in Cusco at 10,800 feet and Quito at 9,500 feet can be as low as the mid-30's at night.  Then when we get to the Galapagos, the lowest temp we will see is about 68 at night and a pretty steady 78 during the day.

Needless to say, we are very excited!!